How to Optimize your JobNimbus Buckets

At Saenz Global, we're always on the lookout for fresh ways to make life easier for our roofing contractors. That's where JobNimbus comes into play – a real game-changer in our toolbox, providing powerful features for an all-in-one solution. One cool feature is the "Boards" view, laying out vertical columns like super-flexible buckets or funnels. Now, let's talk about streamlining your sales process. We've got some recommended buckets in JobNimbus that can really do the trick, making it smooth and optimizing the whole sales shebang for our roofing champs.

1) Lead Bucket

Consider this the starting line, the place where every email, call, website form submission, or referral with a new lead gets the VIP treatment. Our team takes the time to process each one meticulously, making sure all the important contact info is spot-on. Just a heads up – a lead only makes its way to the right bucket after we've had a successful chat with the potential client. We believe in making connections that count!

2) Qualify & 3) Rep Inspection Scheduled Buckets

After inputting a lead into JN, we recommend that roofing contractors initiate the qualification process by establishing contact with the homeowner (HO). This critical step involves a thorough assessment of the project's feasibility and the scheduling of an inspection appointment. 

Assignments are thoughtfully distributed among dedicated project managers or assigned sales representatives to ensure a seamless and efficient progression through the next stages of the process.

4) Adjustment Meeting Needed Bucket

Projects residing in this bucket are recommended to transition to the 'Adjustment Meeting Scheduled' bucket after a designated time frame, preferably within 48-72 hours. This transition allows flexibility for any adjustments on the homeowner's side. With JobNimbus automation, you can set up triggers for an automatic move, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. It's crucial to input detailed notes for any adjuster meetings to keep everyone well-informed and on the same page

5) Adjustment Meeting Scheduled Bucket

At this stage, specific tasks are generated for sales representatives or the administrative team to follow up on scheduled meetings. Confirmation from the homeowner regarding the meeting time triggers progression to the next stage—' Adjustment Meeting Complete. ‘

6) Adjustment Meeting Complete Bucket

This stage is focused on acquiring the approved scope of work from the insurance company. Daily follow-ups, guided by the provided script, play a crucial role in driving the process forward.

Monthly updates serve as an effective means to keep homeowners informed about the status of their projects. While the level of precision may vary, the overarching goal is to reassure homeowners that progress is actively underway.

8) Send and Upload Documentation Bucket

Prior to entering the build phase, it is crucial to ensure that all necessary documents are dispatched to the homeowner and, upon completion, signed copies are uploaded to JN. Document requirements may vary slightly based on the property's location, encompassing items such as:

  • the Notice of Commencement
  • Roofing Permit Application
  • Re-Roof Inspection Affidavit
  • Shingle Color Selection Sheet
  • Install Checklist
  • HOA agreement

This intricate process guarantees that every project is handled with precision—from the initial lead to the final build. Stay connected for further insights into our dynamic approach, where every project is not just a task but a testament to our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction

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